
Camping Ainsa is located in a green natural setting in Huesca, capital of the region of Aragon in Spain. For those who want to enjoy maximum comfort, bungalows are available for rent. Camping in Huesca with panoramic pool Camping Ainsa is responsible for ensuring the best possible stay for its guests, which is why it offers a large outdoor swimming pool. During the hot summer days, the whole family will enjoy cooling off in this beautiful swimming pool. Swimming lanes will allow those who wish to do some laps. While bathing in the pool, holidaymakers can admire breathtaking views of Huesca and the surrounding hills. On the edge of the water, sunbeds and umbrellas are available to lovers of idleness. The toddlers have not been forgotten as a wading pool is also present. Shallow, this small pool will allow young children to have fun and refresh themselves with maximum safety. Family camping in Huesca For a successful family holiday in the region of Aragon in Spain, Camping Ainsa will be the ideal place. A beautiful space dedicated to the game is indeed present and will allow young and old alike to live moments of fun and conviviality. A billiard table, ping-pong table and foosball are available. Active holidays in Aragon Outdoor activities are sure to please those who choose to stay at Camping Ainsa. From the campsite, it will be possible to practice various outdoor activities. Water sports enthusiasts can go rafting in the waters of the Esera River and experience unforgettable adventures. The natural surroundings around Camping Ainsa also invite you to practice mountain biking or canyoning in the Sierra de Guara.