- Beach Centrale (2.4 km)
- Beach des Sables d'Opale (3.3 km)
- Beach de Groffliers (3.4 km)
- Beach de Merlimont (6.2 km)
- Stella Beach (8.0 km)
- Beach Centrale (8.3 km)
- Beach Centrale (10.1 km)
- Beach du Touquet (12.9 km)
- Beach Saint-Gabriel (17.5 km)
- Beach du chemin des Bateaux (18.0 km)
Camping International Camping
Notice 0/5
Campsite highlights
Nos partenaires ne proposent pas de séjours sur le Camping Camping International Camping sur notre site. Comparez les prix des locations autour de ce camping
Geographic Information:
Nearest beaches
Campsite facilities and services
Animals accepted
Notice holidaymakers
review of the camping
Average grade : 1.0
- Value for money:1.0
- Accommodation:1.0
- Facilities:1.0
- Services :1.0
- Entertainment:1.0
"Horrible mobile home"
le Mon. 5 August 2019
Camping International Camping is located in berck Our mobile home is ill-disposed it say 4 people my no it is not suitable for a couple without children The reception on the campsite and my property is in particular I do not recommend I full following tenants No animation as he say and in addition to his there is theft
Description of the campsite
- CB
Payment options:
The campsite L'international is located in Berck in the Haut de France just 1 km from the sea.